Member in Focus

With James Bream, CEO

Tell us a bit about your organisation (who are you, where do you operate etc.)
Katoni Engineering is an independent consulting and EPC business proudly based in Aberdeen. We’re a growing business and have achieved this based on high quality and consistent delivery and primarily securing repeat business and new clients through word of mouth.
What is keeping you busy currently? What large projects are you working on?
There is no typical client for Katoni, we support many operators in the North Sea and our offering flexes to their need from core Brownfield Engineering to specialist services focused on Functional and Process Safety, Emissions Reduction support and Power Systems analysis and insights. Our challenge is for make every activity we do greener, safer and more efficient.
What are some of the opportunities/challenges you see for your organisation in the future?
The opportunities facing Katoni are vast. Our core engineering offering continues to grow based on providing a simple reliable and high quality offering. Across the energy sector our specialist safety, emissions reduction and power solutions will continue to be in demand in the years ahead. In addition, these are services required in a range of other sectors providing a wide range of diversification opportunities.
How would you describe the company culture? Do you have any specific shared values?
It’s important how we describe our company but its more important how it feels to clients and the team. People describe it as different to other EPC companies, flexible, personal and to ensure it is embedded and that we don’t lose it we have a full time Talent Manager to look after our team and culture. If you want to come and see more please just ask.
As an organisation how is OEUK membership helping your business?
OEUK gives Katoni a range of benefits, some elements we rely on and the work happens while we sleep and other activities you get what you give. We rely on OEUKs advocacy, communications, and Government work. We get lots out of networking, insights, publications and the array of forums.
Which OEUK event did you most enjoy and why?
OEUK has events for everyone at Katoni. For the geeks of the company the economics events are a joy, then the networking events provide something for social butterflies and people who need to meet people. If you ask our technically focused minds they love the special interest and technical groups.
OEUK has over Fourteen Forums, which forum do you attend and what do you like most about that particular forum?
Katoni takes an active role in many forums from technically focused sessions to those which reflect our business like the SME Forum and Risk and Reward Forum. Being an active member of these groups, participating and contributing is something we see as an important part of being a member. Good relationships are about giving and getting!
What are the biggest Net-Zero changes, you have seen in our industry?
The biggest challenge ahead for the industry will be to bring some focus to what our priorities are. There is no shortage of ideas, studies and bright minds who are passionate about the Net Zero journey. However, the main challenge is actually ensuring we implement these solutions in an orderly, efficient and environmentally responsible way. This requires good alignment between policy, regulation, financial incentives (taxation) and operators who are investing in change.
How do you see the industry looking in 20 years?
In 20 years there will be Net Zero oil and gas production. However, the end uses of oil and gas are likely to be significantly different as we phase out single or low use products and adopt greater focus on circular economy principles.
How is your organisation driving the transition to Net-Zero?
We’re focused on supporting our clients and have already proven we can support Operators and the industry across its priorities including Electrification, power optimisation, process optimisation and other emissions reduction opportunities. However, as a business we’re driven to reduce emission too and that includes actively engaging our staff to do their bit at home too!

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